commercial graffiti art

Name:  Lion King

Method: Spray paint and mixed media for the canvas artworks

Client: Kings Content

Location: Sydney, NSW

Year: 2015


Kings Content, a prominent organization, sought the expertise of Blackbook Ink to incorporate commercial graffiti art into their newly acquired office space in Sydney. Our talented artist, Asone, conducted a comprehensive site visit, engaging in detailed discussions to comprehend the client’s vision and requirements.

Inspired by the collaborative session, Asone skillfully crafted a design concept for the mural wall. Upon sharing the initial designs, Kings Content was captivated by the artistic vision and expressed their desire to expand the artwork further. This led to the decision of creating four custom canvas artworks, seamlessly complementing the style and theme of the mural.

To ensure a flawless integration, the canvas artworks were meticulously crafted to bespoke specifications, tailored precisely to fit their allocated spaces within the office.

The client’s positive response to the design concepts presented by Asone reinforced their confidence in our creative abilities. The seamless amalgamation of vibrant graffiti art and the office environment fostered a dynamic and visually engaging atmosphere that resonated with the values and aspirations of Kings Content.

The successful outcome of this collaboration surpassed expectations, injecting new life and vibrancy into the workspace. The mural wall and accompanying custom canvas artworks served as bold statements, adding fresh colors and evoking a sense of creativity and inspiration throughout the office.

If your workspace is in need of a revitalizing touch, we invite you to explore the possibilities by reaching out to us through our contact page. Let us collaborate with you to make your vision a reality and infuse your workspace with vibrant artistry.