corporate art

Name:  Totem Paradise

Method: Spray paint

Client: The Bamboo Garden

Location: Surry Hills, NSW

Year:  2015


When The Bamboo Garden team expanded into a new office space in 2015, they sought to create a striking feature wall that would reflect their business identity. To bring their vision to life, they approached Blackbook Ink, and after a productive meeting, we gained a clear understanding of their requirements.

As an online marketing and PR communications agency, The Bamboo Garden desired a mural that would capture the essence of their industry, incorporating imagery of food and emoticons. Additionally, it was crucial for us to complete the mural before the rest of The Bamboo Garden team moved into the new office.

Our experienced artists, Asone and Sektor, collaborated on this project and diligently worked through the night, pushing towards the early morning hours to ensure the deadline was met. Their expertise and dedication allowed us to deliver a vibrant and captivating mural that perfectly represented The Bamboo Garden’s business values.

To complement the corporate art painted on the wall, we further enhanced the office aesthetics by involving our graphic designer, Nik Hori. Nik skillfully created digital imagery featuring the values that Bamboo Garden embodies. These five impactful images were then printed on canvas and strategically placed throughout the office space, adding an extra layer of visual appeal.

The benefits of this custom-designed mural for The Bamboo Garden were manifold. Beyond creating a striking visual centerpiece, the mural acted as a powerful representation of their brand identity and industry focus. It set the tone for creativity and innovation within the office environment, inspiring both employees and visitors alike. The accompanying canvas prints served as daily reminders of the company’s values, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

If you are seeking to bring the essence of your business to life through corporate murals, we invite you to contact our skilled team at Blackbook Ink. Let us collaborate with you to make your vision into a reality that will leave a lasting impact on your workspace.